Girls Rocking in the South (GRITS) is a mentoring organization serving teenage girls ages 12-18 in Wilmington, NC and surrounding areas. We offer a positive environment for young ladies to openly talk and express themselves about issues that they may face in their lives. We offer monthly workshops that are aimed at girls developing/enhancing self-esteem skills, financial literacy, etiquette, leadership skills, entrepreneurship, and educational/career development among other topics. We also offer various travel and community service opportunities throughout the year.
Also, make sure you check out our all new GRITS Box! It’s our subscription box service that just launched in the Fall of 2019. We are excited to be able to share our creativity and products with you. Go to the menu and check it out! You will also see that we are launching our very first podcast called, She Rocks Teen Radio! Go to the menu for more information and sign up to receive exclusive information about it- and to find out about our official launch.
Our hope is that every young lady, by giving of their time, efforts, and dedication to the GRITS program, will reap many rewards, such as: leadership opportunities, lifelong relationships, networking opportunities, and most importantly the bond of SISTERHOOD!
We aim to expose young ladies to cultural diversity, while giving them tools to grow as individuals, and brace them for success in today’s society. Through mentoring, encouragement, and unconditional support we strive to change the lives of those around us.
Our mentors possess the qualities and skill sets to be a leader for our young ladies.
One of the 15 most effective strategies for dropout prevention is through mentoring. GRITS provides teenage girls with a mentor who develops and maintains a caring, supportive relationship based on trust.
Our girls are regularly taught a variety of life skills including, but not limited to: relationship building, conflict resolution, team building, self love, self-awareness, and self management.
Come and hangout with us as we provide some inspiration and motivation for you. We are talking everything from beauty and fashion, world news, to hot and heavy issues like bullying and depression all affecting us daily. It’s teen inspired and teen driven and we are here for it! So, stay tuned for our show!